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What is Professional Utility Data Management?

That is a question we often hear when asked what Symbiosa does for it's clients.  For small to mid-size utilities we actually manage and maintain the core utility data , and the peripheral technologies that support and integrate with the utility data.  To most utility personnel these systems are simply a black box that houses the utilities critical facilities data.  The majority of the utility's staff are more likely to be familiar with the more practical technologies  including map viewers, staking technology and outage management systems. 


Symbiosa provides top level technical support for many of these "practical technologies" by partnering with leading utility technology providers.  Our staff also coordinates with utility personnel to maintain the core data and model.  By obtaining professional level services utilities are much more likely to successfully maintain valuable data that has been painstakingly collected about the utility's facilities.  Symbiosa also helps standardize the work processes surrounding the data to make sure that utility's data is structured in the best possible way to optimize the utility's other mission critical systems.


Although it is often more practical for larger utilities to maintain a staff of their own, Symbiosa is able to supplement even the largest utilities with expert configuration services, custom systems integration, data conversions and technology consulting when necessary.

In North Carolina, Symbiosa does not offer/provide any services that fall within the definition of engineering and land surveying.  All information gathered is used for inventory purposes.
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